You can probably tell just from looking at them how amazing and awesome these two are.
I warned Meghan + Nacho, after they told me that they would like an engagement session in a state park (in this case, Patapsco Valley), that in order to get the best images possible, I will make them hike, cross rocky creeks, climb waterfalls, + confront their deepest fears (well, not really. I didn’t tell them that beforehand. But we confronted our deepest fears anyway: we crossed paths with a gigantic wolf spider near the waterfall, and it was awesome). Oh right, we located Maryland’s second biggest waterfall, Cascade Falls!!
…it’s not very big.
Two hours of trail-trodding and discovery later, we got back to our cars with a few minor bug bites and a wonderful sense of joy. It was amazing getting to know Meghan and Nacho and I’m so glad we got the chance to hang out and make beautiful photos together!